Long Island DWI Lawyer
What are the Different Types of DWI’s?
Many people think of a DWI as a single charge, and you might assume that anyone who is caught drinking and driving will be charged with the same thing. This is not the case, however. In general, a DWI is the offense that most people who drink and drive are charged with. This is the charge that is given to someone who blows over a .08 BAC or over a .04 BAC if they have a commercial driver’s license. Someone who blows over a 0.16 BAC when arrested will be charged with Aggressive Driving While Under the Influence, which is considered to be a more serious charge than a simple DWI.
However, you can also be arrested for a DWI if you are under the influence of drugs or a combination of drugs and alcohol. There are also Zero Tolerance laws, which means that someone who is under the age of 21 and who blows over .00 when given a Breathalyzer test can receive a charge for driving under the influence, even if he or she does not blow over a .08.
Also, it is important to note that you can be charged with multiple offenses at one time. For example, if you were involved in a serious accident while you were driving under the influence, you may have been charged with accident-related charges. Speeding tickets and other driving offenses can also come into play with a DWI arrest.
What are the Possible Consequences of a DWI?
- Loss of Your Driving Privileges – One of the main things that many people worry about when facing a DWI conviction is the potential to lose their driving privileges. Depending on the type of DWI that you are being charged with, you could lose your license for anywhere from 90 days for an out-of-state conviction to 18 months or more. For most people, a one-year revocation is common.
- Paying Fines – If you are convicted of a DWI in New York, you could face major fines. Fines could range from a couple hundred dollars to thousands, depending on what exactly you are being convicted of and a few other factors.
- Loss of Freedom – Many people consider a DWI to be a driving-related offense and do not think that they can face jail time because of a conviction. However, this is not the case at all. You could face up to a year in jail for an average DWI conviction. Some cases, such as if you are a multiple offender, could lead to you serving up to seven years.
- Higher Car Insurance Rates – The costs that go along with a DWI don’t just end when you leave the courthouse. The average car insurance rate goes up by over 94 percent in the first year after a DWI conviction, making it much more costly for you to operate your vehicle.
How Can a Lawyer Defend You in a DWI Case?
How your lawyer will defend you will depend on the specifics of your case. In some cases, the prosecution might have to prove that you were driving. In some cases, things like the prescription medication that you were taking at the time of the arrest can affect your case as well. Every case is different, and it can be tough to determine what might be the best line of defense for you. Therefore, it is best to sit down and talk to an experienced Long Island DWI lawyer about your situation. Then, he or she can look at all of the specifics and details of your case and can work on coming up with a good defense for your situation.
As you can probably see, a DWI is not something that you are going to want to take lightly. However, you do not have to go through this all alone. Instead, you can hire an experienced Long Island DWI lawyer from our firm. Then, your attorney can talk to you about the specifics of your case and can help defend you in every way possible.